Growth Track

Redemption’s Growth Track is just one of the ways you can take your next steps with Jesus. Each class offers you an opportunity to learn about Redemption, discover your purpose, and connect with people. Click the links below to find out when our next classes will be.

  • Discover 101

    Come listen to the vision and story of Redemption Church. You’ll get to meet Pastor Brannen, our pastoral team, and many others who are relatively new just like you! This one and a half hour class will introduce you to all things Redemption and presents an opportunity for you to partner with us on mission. Lunch and Childcare provided with RSVP.

  • Serve 201

    Dive into the details of your personality, discover your gifts, and see how your design reveals your purpose in life and your best fit in ministry. Find out what it means to make a difference with Redemption Church and connect to the opportunities available at Redemption to live out your purpose and serve others by using your God-given gifts. Lunch and Childcare are provided with RSVP.

  • Impact 301

    Let Redemption equip you to make a difference everyday where you live, work, and play. Learn how to help those around you and equip them to continue making disciples with us. Lunch and Childcare are provided with RSVP.

Raised To Life

Baptism at Redemption Church

Baptism declares to the world you’ve trusted Jesus, joined God’s family, and made a commitment to follow Jesus, heart and soul. It’s pretty special!

  • Why is baptism important?
    • Baptism is commanded by Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20)
    • Jesus was baptized and set the example for us to follow (Matthew 3:13-17)
    • It is symbolic of what has already taken place in your life. Baptism is a symbolic picture of the cleansing Jesus does in us. It is a public display of us dying to the old self and being raised up to walk in a new life. It is picture of the our new identity, as forgiven (Romans 6:3-4)
  • When should someone be baptized?
    • As the church was initiated in the book of Acts – people who received the Word were baptized. Baptism always followed conversion, which means placing one’s faith in Jesus, in the Scriptures. (Acts 2:41)
    • People who were baptized prior to placing their faith in Jesus were baptized again. (Acts 19:1-5)
  • Is baptism tied to salvation?
    • Simply put, no. Good works cannot help you attain salvation. Salvation is only through faith in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8-10)
    • Only those who confess Jesus with their mouth and believe in their heart are saved. Baptism is a tangible and public display of your faith and salvation in Jesus. (Romans 10:9-10)
  • Why do we baptize by immersion?
    • New believers in the New Testament were completely “dipped” into the water. Philip took the eunuch “down into the water” to be baptized. (Acts 8:26-38)
    • Jesus “went” up from the water” during his baptism. (Matthew 3:13-16)
    • The original language of the New Testament is Koine Greek. The Greek word for baptism and consistently used in the New Testament – is baptizo – which literally means to dip, immerse, or dunk.